John Constable Wivenhoe Park Essex

John Constable Wivenhoe Park Essex Painting 1816 John Constable was an English Romantic painter. Born in Suffolk, he is known principally for his landscape paintings of Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his home, now known as “Constable Country” which he invested with an intensity of affection. Buy John Constable Wivenhoe Park Essex prints

Thomas Cole The Voyage Of Life Youth

Thomas Cole The Voyage Of Life: Youth 1842 The Voyage of Life, painted by Thomas Cole in 1842, is a series of paintings that represent an allegory of the four stages of human life: childhood, youth, manhood, and old age. The paintings follow a voyager who travels in a boat on a river through the …

Winslow Homer Breezing Up

Winslow Homer Breezing Up (A Fair Wind) 1873-1876 Breezing Up (A Fair Wind) is an oil painting by American artist Winslow Homer. It depicts a catboat called the Gloucester chopping through that city’s harbor under “a fair wind” (Homer’s original title). Inside the boat are a man, three boys, and their catch. Buy Winslow Homer …